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Rotary Club of Singapore West (RCSW) Meeting With CAL Beneficiaries

CAL and Rotary Club of Singapore West (RCSW) had an intimate get-together with the caregivers who had recently received funding support from RCSW.

During the session, RCSW representative Lawrence Low, CAL CEO Tim Lee and CAL staff heard heartfelt stories from the beneficiaries. Despite their different situations - some were adult children caring for aging parents, others parents caring for children and siblings - the caregivers found similarities in their experience, such as all of them being the sole caregiver. Several of them spoke about how volunteering with CAL and other organisations had helped them to take time for self-care and respite.

Moved by the stories, Mr Low stated that they have reinforced the club’s resolve to support more caregivers in need. CAL is grateful to RCSW for its generosity and the caregivers for their dedication and sharing.


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