In 2017, Gabriel and his wife noticed that their youngest daughter, Kristyn, was becoming more withdrawn. They were unable to comprehend what
she was going through, and were at a loss when they learned from her sport coaches that Kristyn had
Unsure of what to do, the couple brought their daughter to therapy. Gabriel made a career switch in 2019 to better care for his daughter. He would send
her to school and to therapy sessions, which gave them time together and helped him better connect
and communicate with her.
One day, Gabriel chanced upon an article about Caregivers Alliance Limited’s (CAL) founder, Mr Hsieh Fu Hua’s caregiving journey. He contacted CAL and learned about their Caregivers-to-Caregivers Training Programme for Persons with Mental Health Issues (C2C-PMHI). In 2019, he joined the 12-week programme at Singapore General Hospital.
C2C provided Gabriel with a safe space for him to share his fears, frustrations, and experiences with other caregivers. Kristyn expressed relief knowing they are not alone on this journey. She witnessed Gabriel change in his approach towards her, becoming calmer, more patient and understanding.
In April 2020, Kristyn overdosed on prescription medication. It was a challenging period for the family. They rallied together to support each other, and each of the family members made time and effort to care for Kristyn. Gabriel's family and faith provided strength and comfort during this time, strengthening their bond.
Today, Kristyn continues her journey towards recovery with support from her therapists, psychiatrist, and family. Both father and daughter have also become active advocates for mental health and caregiving, often sharing their stories with the media in the hope of providing hope and encouragement to others.
Gabriel is more than a father. He is a caregiver - are you one too?
