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[Fireside Chat] Partners on the Path: Caregiver Resilience

Join us for our second Fireside Chat with Dr Rinkoo Ghosh, Facilitator/Trainer/Consultant with The Resilience Institute (South East Asia). She will share why resilience and self-care are crucial to caregivers' well-being.

This is part of CAL’s engagement to empowerment (E2E) programme in which we seek to Engage more, Equip more and Empower more, helping caregivers to achieve a higher level of well-being and resilience.

What is resilience and why is it important for caregivers?

Resilience is your ability to withstand, recover, and sometimes grow when faced with adversity; it is not just a process of enduring and successfully coping. Resilience is actually bouncing forward to adjust to difficult circumstances and learning from past experiences.

This capacity to adapt with adversity is present to varying degrees in every person, no matter how tumultuous caregiving can be. Fortunately, with attention and practice, resilience can be strengthened. Resilience helps transform the daunting into do-able. It creates stamina and strength. Building resilience helps sustain caregiver health, well-being and the capacity to care; it expands capacity and reduces vulnerability to stress.

Speaker Background

Dr Rinkoo is a facilitator and coach on building resilience, emotional agility and empathy. She is passionate about supporting individuals and leaders in organisations to optimise stress and achieve performance.

Dr Rinkoo worked for the Singapore Public Service (CSC) for the past 26 years as a Principal Learning Specialist. She offers varied learning interventions and solutions for public sector agencies (ministries & statutory boards) as well as for social sector and private sector. She has trained 2000 public sector staff/senior managers (both local and international) such as HDB, AIC, SLA, MOM, MSF, MHA (Home Team Academy), JTC, NUS, Sentosa Development Corporation and many others. She has also conducted learning and performance consulting projects for Ghana, Macau, Mauritius and Thailand. Dr Rinkoo has delivered Resilience and Empathy keynotes for public sector agencies as part of their career milestone programmes and Learning Festivals.

Dr Rinkoo is also accredited in the field of Learning Organisation & Change Management and holds a Graduate Diploma in Learning & Development with the Civil Service College. She is also a Specialist Adult Educator (SAE) with the Institute for Adult Learning (IAL-SUSS), a Certified EQ Trainer and versed in Non-Violent Communication.

Dr Rinkoo holds a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) from New South Wales, Australia. She also holds a Bachelor/Master of Communications from Australia.

Dr Rinkoo has lived in Singapore for over 35 years. She believes in social work and in helping others to live a graceful life. She has been the sole caregiver to her parents and serves in voluntary organisations such as the Sree Narayana Mission (SNM) and Caregivers Alliance Limited (CAL), Singapore.


Date: 19 May 2021, Wednesday

Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm, including Q&A session

Venue: Online via Zoom. Details will be emailed to all participants by 13 May 2021, Thursday.

Speaker: Dr Rinkoo Ghosh


The Resilience Institute (South East Asia)

Registration URL: Registration is now closed.

We welcome everyone to join us for the online chat session.


Post Event Update

In our second instalment of our Fireside Chat series, speaker, Dr Rinkoo Ghosh of The Resilience Institute (South East Asia) shared the importance of caregivers building emotional resilience in order to better care for their loved ones. The 89 highly engaged participants enjoyed the session and chatted with her in a lively Q&A session.

One of our caregivers, Dennys, reached out to Dr Rinkoo directly to say, “Thank you so much for the lovely sharing yesterday evening! The practical tips aside, I felt like the biggest takeaway was how we are privileged to be a caregiver. I needed that perk-me-up.”

Another caregiver, Premalata, shared, “I have benefitted from listening to Dr Rinkoo Ghosh sharing her real-life experiences in her caregiving journey; the tools and skills she applied to cope and manage; and finding acceptance whilst being overwhelmed.”


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