Class 54/2020 C2C Graduation Reflections

《54/2020 线上C2C》毕业了! 照顾者们都分享了他们的毕业感言。希望照顾者的毕业感言可以鼓励您来报名参与C2C的课程,从中受益!
也很荣幸这次能够邀请Mr Murali参加C2C 54/2020的毕业典礼。也非常感谢Mr Murali 对照顾者和照顾者联盟的鼓励,支持与好评。
“很高兴上周通过Zoom参加了照顾者联盟的毕业典礼。这是我们过去几个月中开设的第三班课程,目的是为那些在照顾患有精神健康问题的亲人 的照顾者提供照料,以帮助他们。我听到了照顾者们在过去所面临挑战的几项感人的证词。非常感谢照顾者联盟与武吉巴督(Bukit Batok)合作,至以帮助我们的照顾者!” 大家可以在这网页上报名C2C线上课程:
Class 54/2020 C2C has graduated! Caregivers have shared with us their graduation reflections. By sharing their reflections, we hope it will encourage all caregivers to register for the C2C training programme.
We were also honoured to have Mr Murali as guest of honour at the graduation ceremony. CAL and our caregivers are deeply grateful for his words of encouragement and support.
In his Facebook post, Mr Murali said: "Glad to attend the Caregivers Alliance Graduation Ceremony last week via Zoom. This is the 3rd course that we have run in the past few months to equip caregivers of family members who are mentally challenged with skills, knowhow and the network to help them. I heard several touching testimonies on the challenges these caregivers faced in the past. A big thank you to Caregivers Alliance for partnering us in Bukit Batok to help our caregivers!"
To register for our C2C training programme, visit:
这项线上课程非常完美,因为它给了我所需的灵活性。另外,两位老师 (Chin and Mary) 都非常投入,乐于助人和令人鼓舞。她们经常为我们加油打气,并列举一些现实生活中的例子供我们联系。
我想借此机会感谢赞助机构,所有照顾者联盟的员工以及我的同学。谢谢“ "When my brother was down with this condition, my parents especially my father could not accept nor understand what was going on. At that point in time, the situation was pretty bad as my father would frequently confront or challenge him (brother) on a daily basis.
I was really tired and lost as it was really hard to explain such issues to my father because he was still in denial. One day, I overheard my father saying that he signed up for this course. I was elated and immediately signed myself up so that both of us can learn together and be on the same page.
The online course was perfect as it gave me the flexibility I needed. Also, I find both the instructors (Chin and Mary) highly committed, helpful and encouraging. They frequently cheered us on and also cited real life examples for us to relate to.
Based on my observations, my father became more receptive of my brother’s condition and also tactful by applying what we learnt to interact with my brother. I myself find the lesson especially on Self Care really useful as pretty often we tend to be troubled by the negativity that surrounds us.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the sponsors, all the staff of Caregiver Alliance and also my classmates. Thank you."
- Ken, 30+ 岁 years old, (哥哥角色)caregiver to his brother
最后我想告诉其他照顾者,只要我们持着希望,信心和乐观的态度,加上社会团体(如照顾者联盟)等等的帮助。我们和我们的亲人都会有好转的希望。谢谢大家!" "I am Lao Chen. I will share my graduation speech with everybody. When I found out that my son was diagnosed with a mental health condition, I panicked and had no idea how to deal with it. Afterwards, through referral by NUH’s Medical Social Worker to CAL, I registered for the C2C Programme.
Before attending C2C, I had limited knowledge about mental health conditions & my loved one. However, after attending the C2C programme, I have gained a lot of relevant knowledge and also benefitted tremendously from the sharing and interactions with the other caregiver participants. Overall, I have progressed from being at a loss, to having a sense of understanding.
Lastly, I would like to tell other caregivers that as long as we maintain a Hopeful, Confident & Positive mindset, in addition to help from community resources i.e. CAL, our loved ones and ourselves will be able to have a hopeful recovery jouney. Thank you everyone."
- 老陈 Lao Chen , 65-70 years old, (父親角色) caregiver to his son
非常感谢C2C导师义工团队的无私付出;也谢谢大家坦诚分享自己的生命故事。大家加油!🤜🤛" "After attending CAL’s C2C Programme, I realised that I was a confused caregiver, but yet I was very lucky. Because of the various hardships that fellow caregivers went through or are still facing, I don’t feel so alone and miserable. Mary and Chin have good chemistry; not only does the class atmosphere feel relaxed, the course also pushes us to learn and relearn. As such, topics such as medication treatment plan have also become more acceptable.
The most unforgettable lesson for me was the Communication Activity, where we were forced to concentrate in the midst of simulated auditory interruptions. Through this activity, I finally understood the helplessness of our loved ones when they are trapped by the symptoms of their condition! They may seem well on the surface, but the pressure and pain they endure is beyond us caregivers' understanding.
Thank you very much for the selfless dedication of the C2C Trainers; and thank you all for being open with sharing your life stories. JiaYou, everybody!"
- 丽华 Li Hua, 51-60 岁years old, (母親角色) caregiver to children
在参加这个C2C之前我很无助,不知如何帮助我的亲人。自从上了这个课程之后,非常感谢Mary, Chin 的细心和有系统的教导😍这两位导师默契十足又风趣,她们也分享自己如何照顾亲人的心路历程,让我心里也踏实多了。起码不是一个人在孤军作战,这无形中也减轻了我的精神压力。
在此忠心感谢导师和义工们的奉献和无私的附出加油! 😍🥳🤛🤜👏🌹🌻" "I am very honored and grateful to be introduced to Mary by a good friend who completed her C2C in 2016. It was Mary who enrolled me in CAL’s 12-session C2C Course. Before this, I did not know that there was such a great Volunteer Welfare Organisation.
Before I joined this C2C, I was helpless and did not know how to help my loved one. Ever since attending this course, I am very grateful to Mary, Chin for their attentive and systematic teaching😍 These two instructors are have great chemistry and are humorous. They also shared their journey of taking care of their loved ones, which made me feel more at ease, because I am not alone in fighting this battle; my mental stress has also reduced as a result.
Through this course, I have acquired a lot of new knowledge, such as how to effectively communicate, actively listen, empathise and have patience, and also the importance of self-love and self-care.
I sincerely thank the trainers and volunteers for their dedication and selfless contribution. JiaYou!"
- Angeline, 61-70 岁years old, (母親角色) caregiver to children
"我很高兴能够参与这一班C2C,认识到Mary和义工导师们 – Chin, Lai Yee, Desmond, Soon Kuan,和各位。课程中前来分享故事的两位嘉宾,让我难以忘怀。谢谢大家在这段时期共同教导与学习。
是一名South Central Community Family Service Centre 的社工将我转介给照顾者联盟(CAL)。
我最喜欢的是每节课结束时都有总结和反思。例如: 您在课程中学到了哪些对您有帮助的新资讯? 您是否从其他照顾者的身上学习到一些有用的方法/点子(你可能会运用在未来照顾的过程)? CAL C2C 涵盖了精神疾病和照顾者的需求的各个方面,还有自我照顾的重要性。·CAL为我提供了许多正确,积极和系统性的信息,使我可以用自己的内心重新审视,以积极地理解和接受亲人的状况。CAL也提醒了我不要对亲人挂上标记。毕竟,他们是我们生了病的亲属。有时候,在他们身边有时候仅仅安静的陪伴,也是情感支持的一种形式。
感激有你们,谢谢。" "Good evening, I am Sliver. Would like to thank Mary for inviting me to share my graduation testimonial.
I am very happy to be able to join CAL BBCC C2C, to get to know Mary, the Volunteer Trainers Chin, Lai Yee, Desmond, Soon Kuan & all from CAL. Definitely, I wouldn’t forget about the 2 special guest’s sharers YiLing and Volunteer caregiver’s trainer Lai Yee. Thank you everyone for teaching and learning together during this period.
I was referred by Social Worker from South Central Community Family Service Centre to CAL. I had benefitted from C2C very much. I believe by knowing myself better, I am able to win a better battle. Before attending C2C, I had lots of complications, doubts, and misunderstanding towards mental health conditions. I used different methods through information from everywhere, and tried them on my loved ones. It was all based on my own thinking & philosophy. These attempts had ended up with both my loved ones and I exhausted both physically and psychologically. There was a period of time where our sour relationship made us very miserable.
When attending the class, what I loved most is that at the end of every lesson there is a Summary and Reflection.
Example: What did you learn that was new and helpful to you in the lesson? What did you learn from the sharing of other caregivers that you might like to try in your own journey?
CAL C2C had covered every aspects of mental health conditions & caregivers’ needs and importance of self-care. CAL had provided lots of right, positive & systematic information for me to re-look using my heart, to understand and accept my loved one’s conditions positively. A reminder to myself not to label loved ones with mental conditions. Afterall, they are our immediate family members whom are just sick. Sometimes, just by quietly accompanying our loved ones is also form of emotional support.
I would like to encourage all caregivers that regardless of how many loved ones you are taking care of, be it one or two, the miserable feelings are the same; that we feel heartaches for our loved ones who have to battle with this illness. But we saw so many persons-in-recovery (PIR) that have re-integrated back to society. Furthermore, our government, community & neighborhoods had started to be more acceptive towards those who have mental conditions. Change common practice, let PIR co-exist with the society. So, I hope we can be strong and courageous in overcoming this illness with our loved ones.
Lastly, please take good care of yourself in-order to take care of your loved ones. From time to time, give yourself some space to let go, cherish and love each other.
Grateful to have all of you, thank you."
- Sliver,51-60 岁years old, (母親和妻子角色) caregiver to child and husband.
我希望这些会有助于她的康复,也希望其他照顾者不要放弃,接受家人生病的事实,做到我们能做到的最好,剩下的就相信时间的力量吧。谢谢C2C导师义工团队这么久以来的帮助,祝CAL越来越好! 😊"
"I found CAL from searching on the Internet. C2C is a very systematic programme, equipping caregivers with the know-hows of mental health and caregiving.
After completing the C2C Programme, I have gained a better understanding of the situation my wife is going through, and how to cope and seek for help.
My wife is now taking a leave of absence from work – she has a very kind boss that allows her to stay employed while taking prolonged leave. Through Mary’s recommendation of Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH), my wife also signed up for many workshops offered there.
I hope these will help with her recovery. Similarly, I hope that caregivers out there will not give up, to accept the fact that our loved ones are sick and to try our best to help them. For the rest, let’s leave it to the power of time. Thank you C2C Trainers and Volunteers for your help. Wishing CAL all the best!" - Wang Han, 25-30 岁years old, (丈夫角色) caregiver to wife.
"课程开始之前,Mary 为了要多了解我的处境给我打了通电话。当时的我有点迟疑,心想为什么这位陌生人问我这么多问题,目的究竟是什么?
课程以轻松的方式进行。Mary和Chin都很幽默。很多时候,我的太太一直问我为什么每个星期一晚上我都会在电脑前咯咯笑!课程材料很棒,对我来说最大的收获就是,尽管我以为我理解妻子的感受,但现在我终于知道我其实正站在地面上,往下看着她被困在一个洞中,并没有真正的同理她。课程中有许多活动,使我们照顾者了解到一个抑郁症患者正在经历的挑战,这些活动对我非常有益。但是,对我最有益的是,现在我知道我并不是孤军作战,即使情况会变得很糟,我还有很多值得依靠的支持。这确实减轻了我面临的负担。 感谢CAL将这个课程带给照顾者们 ,也感谢Mary和Chin,这世界需要更多跟你们一样充满爱心的人! 祝大家平安,快乐!"
"Mary called me before the class even started to understand the situation a bit better, I was apprehensive about sharing with this stranger whom I have not even met, why is she asking so much information and what was her motive? Attended the first class and saw how dedicated Mary was to her work, I progressively warmed up to her and her assistant Chin.
Fast forward a few weeks and now we are graduating from the class and I am writing a testimony for the course. The course has lots of information sharing, lots of case studies and most importantly lots of sharing by fellow students on what situations and challenges that they are facing, lots of advice was also given on how to deal with the different situations.
Classes were really light hearted, Mary and Chin were both very humorous and many times my wife keep asking me why is it that every Mon night I will be giggling in front of the computer! Course material were fantastic and the biggest take away for me was that all these while although I thought I understood how my wife felt, now I know I am standing on the ground, looking at her stuck in a hole and am not really feeling or knowing what she is going though. There were several exercises that attempt to give us caretakers a glimpse into what challenges a person suffering from depression is going through, those were very beneficial to me. But perhaps the most beneficial part of the program is that now I know I am not fighting alone, even if things were to get bad, I know I have lots of support to lean on. This has really lightened the burden that I faced.
Thank you CAL, for bringing this course to all the care takers, thanks Mary and Chin, the world needs more big hearted people like you! Cheers and stay safe!"
- Kenneth, 31-40 岁years old, (丈夫角色) caregiver to wife
"感谢CAL开办C2C的课程,谢谢Mary、 Chin的教导与分享,也谢谢义工们及同学们的分享。 帮缺课的同学补课,对Mary的爱心与付出,我内心深处感到无限的温暖。之前我是一个不了解精神疾病的照顾者,把患有失智症的姐姐,当成正常人看待,总以为姐姐只是健忘而已,还不理她。 上完这课程后,内心很亏欠,很后悔。在此,我要向大家说一声“感恩” 现在已学会怎样去照顾,体谅及观察精神病患者和自我照顾,这是CAL给我最珍贵的礼物。”
"Thank you, CAL, for introducing the C2C Programme. Thank you Mary and Chin for your teaching and sharing, and thank you to all Volunteers and fellow classmates. From conducting the class to coordinating make-up lessons for those who missed out on lessons, Mary’s dedication warms my heart deeply.
Prior to attending C2C, I was a caregiver who did not understand mental health conditions. I treated my older sister with Dementia as a normal person, and have always thought that she was just ‘forgetful’. As such, I used to brush her off.
After attending C2C, I felt immensely guilty and regretful, and would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all.
I am now more equipped with the knowledge on how to give care, to empathise, to separate the person from the condition and to self-care. This is the greatest gift CAL has given to me."
- Chiang Choo, 61-70岁years old, (妹妹角色) caregiver to sister
可是往往照顾者都是一知半解,搞到两者都筋疲力尽,压到喘不过气来喊救命呀! 现在已知道有关的几个机构外还有CAL.
"After attending CAL’s C2C, I realised that mental health conditions including Depression and Anxiety, cannot be neglected regardless of the severity. Our loved ones go through pain and suffering in silent, and may sometimes need a confidant.
However, caregivers may often be unequipped with the right knowledge and skills, and may unintentionally add fuel to the flame. Now, I know that CAL is here to help. Mary and Chin are both serious and humorous when conducting the class and sharing their story. Kudos!
I would like to thank the Volunteer Trainers, and to my fellow caregivers from C2C 54/2020, thank you for your sharing. You are all very courageous. Thank you for your hard work. Press on!"
Elina,61-70岁years old (女儿角色) caregiver to parent
"Mary 和 Chin, 谢谢你们爱心教导,同理心和沟通技巧这两课真的受益不浅。
”Mary and Chin, Thank you for your love and dedication. The topics on Empathy and Effective Communication benefitted me immensely. Please continue to work hard to benefit more caregivers. Thank you.”
William, 61-70岁years old, (儿子角色) caregiver to parent
”感谢CAL开办 C2C 课程。上完这课程后。懂得应对突发事件。之前总是觉得很无助。现在我懂得孩子生病了。很多时候她也不自主。会对她多点同理。同时也要照顾好自己。谢谢Mary,Chin 导师用心教导。“
"A big thanks to CAL for introducing the C2C Programme. Before this, I always felt helpless. After attending C2C, I am better equipped to deal with crisis situations. I now finally understand that my child is sick, and that many times she may not be acting on her own accord. I am now able to empathise more, and at the same time care for myself. Thank you, Mary and Chin, for your dedicated support."
Mdm Leong, 51-60岁 years old, (母親角色) caregiver to child
"感谢CAL 开办 C2C 的课程,谢谢 Mary, Chin 老帅的教导与分享。😃😃👍😇😁"
"Thank you, CAL, for the C2C Programme. Thank you, Mary and Chin for your teaching and sharing."
Mdm Tay, 60-70岁years old, (妻子角色) caregiver to husband