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Caregiving Above the Skies

As a flight attendant, 42-year-old Davina Liew works miles up in the sky. At home, she keeps her family grounded - a caregiver to her two older sisters living with depression and schizophrenia.

It all started when she was in flight training after graduating from university in Australia. Her second sister who was studying in Australia was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Davina recalls having to pay for her school fees abroad, although, the money she selflessly gave always seemed to run out too quickly, as she had strange spending habits resulting from her mental condition. She once also left the kettle boiling and almost burnt the house down.

“Her perspective on the world can be wonky. There was once she thought an alien was going to harm her on the flight, so she decided to get off the plane and book another.” Despite the immense guilt to admit her sister into the Institute of Mental Health (IMH), and seeing her being restrained, Davina knew her sister was getting the best care that she needs.

The pandemic aggravated matters. Dad had passed, and the second sister was unable to see their mother, who was her pillar of support, no thanks to the imposed lock down; and was eventually admitted to the IMH. Meanwhile, her eldest sister Diana's husband passed too, resulting in her going into depression, from grief and excessive worry over the family finances and their children.

In 2020, both were admitted to IMH. It was tough. Even 19 years on, Davina recalls those periods vividly. "The only saving grace was that my sisters were both in the same hospital, and I could visit both at once", she shares.

Her job also allowed her some respite, being far away from home, experiencing new things outside of her familial duties. In fact, the odd schedule was somewhat of a blessing as she could visit her sisters during non-peak hours at IMH.

It was there that Davina chanced upon CAL’s booth and registered for our signature C2C training programme. “It was life-changing”, she recalls, being led to resources and taught self-care to go the long run. Davina learned to take long naps guilt-free and exercise in the sun for some Vitamin D. She loves trekking when overseas and cycles occasionally.

“What’s the point of staying up to be with your family if you aren’t really there mentally? Quality time is what matters most.” She may be far away from home and her sisters, but they are always in her heart. With a twinkle in her eye, she shares with CAL her dream for her sisters - to open a laundromat so they can run the business together!

Now, she volunteers with CAL as a volunteer trainer while thriving in her first job and love - flying.

Davina's story is proof that you can fly high while keeping your feet and heart firmly grounded. Even as her “uniform” changes as she dons dual roles, her mission remains as she cares for those around her with grace and kindness.


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