Join us for a special evening in support of Caregivers Alliance Limited and The Teng Ensemble Ltd at our joint Charity Concert on Friday, 22 March 2019 at Victoria Theatre. The evening will comprise dinner, followed by The TENG Ensemble and friends in Concert, and includes entrance to 1-Altitude for those with the stamina for an after party! The concert theme, Mind the Music! showcases TENG’s musical creativity, evokes TENG’s community work with hospices, and of course, highlights CAL’s support and training to caregivers of persons with mental health issues. Join our guest-of-honour, the President of Singapore, Mdm Halimah Yacob, to celebrate the amazing work of both organisations.
The TENG Ensemble will debut four exciting new works – 酸甜苦辣, celebrating life’s many facets, as well as collaborative works with celebrities and friends, including the APSN drummers, Nicholas Chan, the Coronation Singers under the direction of Darius Lim, Hossan Leong, Ivor Lim, Siti Khalijah Zainal, Kiki Noble and Gavin Tan.
Three categories of tickets are available for the evening:
Rhodium - Formal dinner at Sinfonia, stall seating. Table places are limited!!
• Group of 10 for S$30,000
• Group of 6 for S$18,000
Platinum - Cocktails and standing buffet dinner, stall seating.
• Group of 6 at S$12,000
Gold - Cocktails and standing buffet dinner, circle seating.
• Group of 6 at S$9,000
If you can’t join us for the evening, please consider making an outright donation. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and will go a long way to further the work of both charities. Funds raised through this event will be shared by CAL and TENG equally. Donations of S$50 or more will be eligible for a 2.5 times tax deduction.
We would be delighted to have your support and look forward to seeing you. Thank you!
Download the donation form here: