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CAL in the Media

The collection below lists instances in which CAL was featured by the media: in newspapers, on television and on radio. Also included are other mentions, such as in publications and speeches. Know something that's not included? Notify us about it through our website's enquiries form!


20 March 2025

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In CNA938's Rewind - A Letter to Myself with Joel Chua, where everyday people reveal the most valuable lessons they've learned through life, CAL peer support group member Rebecca Loh openly stepped forward to share about her journey managing an eating disorder.


Going from her struggles with food and excessive exercise to diagnosis and seeking care, Rebecca has since moved forward in her recovery journey and even advocates for mental health.


"To encourage all those struggling with various mental health difficulties; don't give up, there is still hope.


Tune in to the podcast here:


20 March 2025

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Our Programme Managers, Faiza Sanip and Hidayah Abidin, helmed an episode in CNA Insider's docu-series “Extraordinary People”, paying tribute to the unsung heroes who overcome personal challenges and make a profound impact through selfless acts of compassion.


Discover how Faiza is a champion of mental health in the Malay-Muslim community, as she empowers caregivers of persons with mental health issues, while caring for her son living with schizophrenia and her own health after a stroke. Supporting Faiza, Hidayah also shared about her struggles being a young caregiver and how her mother has benefitted from attending C2C training programme in a language that she understands. 


Watch the pair advocate for mental health, break down stigma especially apparent in this community and empower those impacted by mental health to seek help and be supported. 


Watch the CNA clip here:


20 March 2025

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In this Lianhe Zaobao story, Rebecca Loo, who developed an eating disorder in secondary school shared about her personal transformation after attending our peer support group.


“I have been attending this support group for over a year now and it is a relaxed and comfortable environment,” Rebecca said, having become less reclusive and open to seeking help for her condition. Her mother and caregiver also received caregiver training during the process, which helped to reduce her stress and worries.


The mother-daughter duo benefitted from the increased support, in line with the recent merger of CAL and Resilience Collective’s to widen our reach to serve from youths to older adults and strengthen mental health recovery support for families. "It's like putting together the missing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle," Rebecca concluded.  

24 February 2025

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In this article, CAL’s Chairman and co-founder Mr Hsieh Fu Hua was featured in The Straits Times under the “No Health Without Mental Health” series.


Showcasing how leaders like himself can create a psychologically safe environment for their staff, the finance industry veteran who serves on the boards of several non-profit and business organisations shared about his difficult childhood, career journey and visits to the Institute of Mental Health that shaped him to be more open about mental health. He shared, “If I, having done what I have done in my career, can’t even stand up to say something openly and honestly, can you expect others to do the same?” 


As a boss now, he says he is attuned to how his staff are doing. “You can actually be supportive of them. And if the boss is supportive, everybody else will fall in line. Generally speaking, the tone is set from the top.”

17 February 2025

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In this article under the “No Health Without Mental Health” series by the Straits Times, the merger of CAL and Resilience Collective was featured.

The aim was to show how two mental health charities serving from youths

to older adults have joined forces to strengthen mental health recovery support in Singapore.


Mr Tim Oei, the new CEO of CAL as of 1 February 2025, wants the new CAL to be a one-stop shop for community wellness for all. He told the Straits Times, “You come to us, there’s no wrong door – we can help you...”

Finance industry veteran Hsieh Fu Hua, who co-founded both charities and chairs CAL’s board said, “The journey of recovery is actually in the community, at home and how you live day to day, and that’s why the family

or whoever is caring for them has to be really able to journey with them”.


To support mental health in the community for all, the new CAL welcomes strategic partnerships including schools, hospitals and social service agencies.

17 January 2025


In this video article, CAL was featured alongside CareCompass for its participation in the user testing of the personalised care navigator app, designed to provide tailored, actionable recommendations for caregivers of loved ones with dementia.


The app was developed by a winning team from Build for Good, a hackathon organised by Open Government Products in partnership with the Singapore Government Partnerships Office (SGPO). Following its launch, CareCompass continues to help ease caregivers' stress by providing fast, relevant guidance at their fingertips.


The app now features CAL as a resource hub for caregivers seeking help and support for caregiving resources. This collaboration underscores CAL’s commitment to empowering caregivers through innovative solutions that complement our training programmes and peer networks.

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